Friday, April 1, 2011

Being In The Now II

Many of you know that as bad as I am at going to sleep, I am even worse at waking up. This morning I am feeling frustration arise from noise and what I percieve as chaos around me. To further my practice of being in the NOW, I think it is only fair to report on the NOW not only during the peaceful moments, but also in moments of chaos and overwhelm. So, right Now...

my husband is clanking breakfast pots and pans from the pancakes he made for the kids this morning

a little peanut-butter colored chihuahua is whining and crying to go out so he can run off into the woods like yesterday

the television is broadcasting loudly to its audience of nobody in the living room

the iris I cut for my new vase are spent

there is mud on the floor that I just cleaned yesterday

the laundry room floor is heaped with clothes awaiting their turn

and I miss my dead coffee cup...

 and now there is vacuuming with the worlds loudest vacuum

As an old Zen master once said, "Enter Zen from there." So I stop and breathe a few conscious breaths. I am thankful that my husband loves, feeds, washes, vacuums. I love the energy that my little dog has for life. I love that I have the power to cut the cord on the television and I am happy to have coffee in whatever cup the universe provides. There is always more iris.

"Some [sounds] may be pleasant, others unpleasant. However, don't differentiate between good and bad. Allow each sound to be as it is, without interpretation...relaxed but alert attention is the key." ~ Eckhardt Tolle

Tolle, Eckhart. A new earth. (2006) Namaste Publishing. p. 241.


  1. I am starting to look forward to waking up every day and finding a new entry in your blog. I love how you just sum it up perfectly, about what my day looks like, or if not today, it has happened. I love reading your writing. :)

  2. ~AWESOME~ second post! Made me laugh, and I wanted to cry again at the paragraph in the end. You truly are talented! Please, keep posting these!

  3. That is called "A full Life" my dear daughter. It's the oppisite of loneliness. For some, it would be music to the ear. From here, it sounds lovely.

  4. It is music. If you like it so much you should come and visit...hint hint hint!
